Certified Trauma Informed Coach

Specializing in Domestic Violence and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

I believe we are all stronger than we know, we are more powerful than we can imagine and we should never feel alone.

Having said that, I can also be honest enough with you to tell you that I have not always felt strong or powerful and I have spent many years feeling very alone.  In my previous life I spent an entire decade in what felt like a hole that continued to get deeper and deeper with no ropes being thrown to save me. 

I let a narcissistic, abusive man breed codependency and toxicity in me.  I gave an unstable and unpredictable man power over me that he never earned or deserved.

In that 10 year period I moved 8 times.  I buried my troubles in alcohol, drugs as well as fitness (what a combination right?).  I slept very little.  I was isolated from friends, family and otherwise.  And I became a puppet to a man that never had my best interest at heart.

It was at about year 9 that my body could no longer keep up with my fight or flight state.  Small ailments began to turn into debilitating issues.  I began to lose my hair, I had my first panic attack, I was absolutely exhausted at all times and the final straw was that I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 48 years old.


  • Always be honest with you

  • Listen with a compassionate ear

  • Have your best interest at heart

  • Guide and encourage you to find your own strength

  • Advocate for your safety


  • Judge you for your choices (past, present or future)

  • Tell you what to do

  • Allow you to talk down to yourself

I now know that the universe had been attempting to teach me the same lesson for years.

And for years I continued to ignore it.  And still the universe packaged the lesson in hundreds of different ways, (bruises, restraining orders, drinks thrown at me, being spit at, sexual assault, jobs lost, money wasted, property damaged, friends and family lost) and the list goes on.

It took a cancer diagnosis for me to finally realize that…

And one day… I had just had enough

I needed to jump off that moving roller coaster.

I needed to take the bull by the horns.

I needed to stop the hamster wheel.

I need to stop waiting for things or people to change on their own.

and I need to begin to take steps to change myself, my circumstances, my situation and my environment. 

I needed to start having my own best interest at heart. 

I needed to begin to be proactive about changing my thoughts, words and actions.

I packed my bags for a week and flew myself across the country to be picked up by and hosted by a complete stranger.

I began to educate myself, I read everything I could get my hands on about the cycle of abuse, I continued my own personal therapy, I began to take courses, listen to podcasts and journal. 

I began to heal out loud. 

I began to share my story of abuse, my story of escape and my story of healing.  And through it all…

I began realize that I was in fact not alone. 


I now know I have a deeply personal purpose in all my experiences.  And  that purpose is to inspire you to step into your own strength and power and help you to trust yourself and believe that you are never alone.

Are you ready?  Are you ready to believe in yourself?  To embrace the power you have always possessed?  To use your strength to put yourself first?  To do different, speak different, act different and be different?